Here at Fredericksburg Dental Center, LLC, we are committed to providing our patients with advanced technology in the early detection of oral cancer.
After careful consideration, we are proud to be able to offer our patients the Vizilite® oral cancer-screening system. This system is easy to use, quick ,and works well with our existing oral cancer examination.
The Vizilite® system helps us to identify, evaluate, mark, and monitor abnormal oral lesions that may be difficult to see during a standard visual exam. The small device makes it easier to see all areas of the mouth while using an acetic acid rinse and blue light to identify potential problem areas including precancerous cells or cancer.
Using both the Vizilite® system and careful visual examination ensures that our patients are getting the best care and oral cancer screening available.
If you have any questions or would like more information please give us a call at (717) 865-3457.