Here at Fredericksburg Dental Center, LLC we want to provide our patients with the treatment options that work with their personal dental needs. Through collaboration with specialists and communication with you, we are able to recommend dental procedures that are ideal for your unique situation.
In an effort to save your natural tooth, there may come a time when we recommend root amputation. This is a dental procedure where one of the roots from a multi-root tooth is removed. The tooth can then be stabilized with a crown or filling and become fully functional again.
The purpose of root amputation is to save a diseased or injured tooth from being extracted. Most dentists and specialists will agree that procedures involving retaining healthy natural teeth are the best course of treatment. Most often, root amputation and the crown work are more cost-effective options than dental implants or extensive bridgework.
Keep in mind that root amputation can only be performed on teeth with healthy surfaces, healthy underlying gums, and strong bone support. If a tooth is badly fractured, diseased, or injured, extraction will be necessary.
If you need more information on root amputation or think you might be a candidate, please give us a call at (717) 865-3457.